You Deserve A Comfortable Home!

Current Incentives

Tune-up Special

This month we are offering a heating tune-up special for only $119. The normal price is $129. Call anytime to schedule a time for a technician to service your furnace.

Ameren Incentives

Ameren has incentives available for qualifying air conditioners, heat pumps and thermostats.

  • Heat pumps that meet a 16.0 SEER (15.2 seer2) and 9.0 HSPF (8.10 hspf2) qualify for a $1000 incentive.
  • Thermostats in homes that use Ameren natural gas or electricity for the heating source and meet the Ameren energy star rating qualify for a $100 incentive. Homes heated with propane don’t qualify.
  • click here for a list of qualifying thermostats
  • Any incentives are directly deducted from our invoice for your new system.